PGL type AC low-voltage distribution panel

    PGL type AC low-voltage distribution panel:

    PGL type AC low-voltage distribution panel is used for power, distribution, and lighting in low-voltage distribution systems with AC 50Hz, rated working voltage AC 380V, rated working current 1500A and below in power plants, substations, and industrial enterprises. 

    PGL type AC low-voltage distribution panel operating environment:

    1. The ambient temperature should not exceed+40 ° C, and the average temperature within a 24-hour cycle should not exceed+35 ° C. The lower limit of the ambient air temperature is -5 ° C.

    2. The air is clean, and the relative humidity does not exceed 50% at the highest temperature of+40 ° C. When the temperature is low, a higher relative humidity is allowed, such as 90% at+20 ° C.

    3. The altitude shall not exceed 2000 meters, and the installation inclination shall not exceed 5 degrees.

    4. In a medium with no explosion risk, and there are no gases or dust in the medium that can corrode and damage insulation, and no places with severe vibration and impact.
